
In Memory of Daniel Weinberger, EFL ‘07

It is with great sadness that we report on the passing of Economics for Leaders alum, Daniel Weinberger. Daniel attended the 2007 Skidmore College EFL program, and returned the next year for the EFL reunion in Williamsburg, VA. Sixteen classmates of the Skidmore 2007 program, upon learning of Daniel’s death, started a collection to be used to fund a scholarship for a student to attend an EFL program this summer. Other members of that Skidmore EFL class are encouraged to contribute to the fund, currently with $450. In fact, other EFL alumni, with whom this memorial effort may resonate, are certainly welcome to contribute to the “Daniel Weinberger Scholarship Fund.”

Staff Spotlight – Jamie Wagner

FTE is known nationally for its emphasis on active learning and the engaging activities and lessons used to teach economics.…

Staff Spotlight – John Kessler

My name is John Kessler and I am a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economics and Finance at Purdue…

Staff Spotlight – Andrea Weiss

  Meet Andrea Weiss, FTE Program Coordinator. Andrea first got involved with FTE when she attended EFL as a student…